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HMIS New User Training

About HMIS Training

Every provider interested in gaining access to HMIS must first take the HMIS Basic Navigation Training Series. The HMIS Basic Navigation Training series teaches you the reasons why we use HMIS, how to navigate the HMIS system and perform basic actions, and the policies and procedures that must be followed as an HMIS user.

You will select one of four Training Series to take, based on the population you serve. For example, if you serve Families, then you would choose HMIS Basic Navigation Training Series: Families. If you need help choosing which Training Series is appropriate for your work, consult with your supervisor or continue reading for more details.

Each Training Series Contains different set of courses as shown in the table below:

Training Series Courses Covered
HMIS Essentials HMIS Street Outreach Supplement HMIS Family Supplement HMIS Policies and Procedures
HMIS Basic Navigation Training Series:
HMIS Basic Navigation Training Series:
Street Outreach
HMIS Basic Navigation Training Series:
HMIS Basic Navigation Training Series:
All Populations

Topics covered in each course can be found in the "Course Topics" section below.

If it hasn’t yet been decided which population you will be serving or you simply want to learn as much as you can about using HMIS, we recommend taking HMIS Basic Navigation Training Series: All Populations

After you have successfully completed the Training Series for the population(s) that you will be serving, we will initiate the process of issuing you an HMIS user account.

Course Topics

Course Required Time Topics Covered
HMIS Essentials 4 to 8 hours
  • Why using HMIS correctly to enter data is important
  • Search and find a participant's record to learn their "back story"
  • Correctly create a new HMIS record for a participant that does not have one
    • HUD Data Standards
    • Handling both cases of participant consent
  • Enroll a participant into a program and perform services, run an assessment, write a case note, and upload documents
  • Access the HMIS Knowledge Base to continue learning
HMIS Street Outreach Supplement 1.5 to 3 hours
  • Correctly answer and update "Has the client been engaged?"
  • Add Current Living Situation assessments with location
  • Set and read public Alerts
  • Correctly log referrals as a service
HMIS Family Supplement 1.5 to 3 hours
  • Set up and modify households at the "Global Level"
  • Set up and modify households within a Program
  • Correctly add a service to only the Head of Household when appropriate
HMIS Policies and Procedures 1.5 to 2.5 hours
  • History of LA HMIS
  • HMIS organization implementaion
  • HMIS data sharing
  • Participant consent (Release of information)
  • Participants rights
  • HUD data collection requirements
  • Data entry best practices
  • Security requirements
  • Managing your HMIS account

How to Enroll

Please refer to How to Enroll in the HMIS Basic Navigation Training Series.

Resources For HMIS Basic Navigation Training Series

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